Welcome to the Miracle Beach Hot Lunch online registration web site. This online ordering system requires a small amount of setup time at the beginning as you must register each child you have attending our school prior to placing your order. Once the initial setup process is complete, your hot lunch orders for the remainder of the year should be quick and simple.
Everyone must create a new account every school year, due to privacy laws!
Go ahead and create an account (even if you've had one in the past) and place your order. Any questions? Email mbhotlunch@gmail.com Thanks for supporting the PAC!
For forgotten passwords or late orders, please email: mbhotlunch@gmail.com
NEVER LOGGED IN BEFORE? Scroll down to see our "Instructions for Getting Started" below.
NOT KEEN ON PAYPAL? We switched to this system due to overwhelming requests from parents for an online payment option, and to cut down the need for volunteers. You may use an existing PayPal account, or use PayPal as a guest as a one-time transaction, pay by Visa, E-transfer, Mastercard, or Amex. You can also link your paypal account to your bank accounts!
WANT TO PAY BY CASH OR CHEQUE? Sorry this is not an option - please pay through PayPal or EMT to mbhotlunch@gmail.com
REFUNDS? With exception we will only refund by crediting your account, no cash will be refunded.
To use the system, you will be required to register and provide your name, phone number and email address. This site has an SSL Certificate to provide full security of your personal information, and only the information required to manage the fundraising / hot lunch program is required. The volunteer site administrator cannot access your password and you select your own user id.
To register for an account click on the “REGISTER” tab on the main menu bar. This will take you to the registration form to create an account for your family. Each family will have one account and each student at the school will be linked to this account. Once you have created your account you will be able to login and edit your contact information and add additional email addresses to your account.
To register, provide other information as required to complete your registration. Once you have registered, you can immediately LOG IN.
To add any student to the system you must click on the “Add a Student” button to access the form. It is also possible to access these pages from the “PROFILE” menu by selecting “Manage Students” or “Add New”.
The “Student Administration” screen will allow you to specify your child’s name and select which class he or she is in. The class assignments will be verified by the hot lunch team.
Once your students have been added to the system you can immediately place fundraiser / hot lunch orders for each student. The “Student Administration” screen will list all your registered students and the information about any pending, current or recent orders that have been placed for each student.
By clicking on the “Order” button you will be able to place or edit an order for the student. The order form will indicate the date range during which orders will be accepted. After the end date it will not be possible to place or edit an order. Once an order has been paid you will not be able to make any further changes to the order.
If your school has a PayPal account linked into the system you can pay for all the outstanding orders by clicking on the “PayPal Payment” button. Payment should be made after all student orders have been completed.
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